Friday, February 27, 2015

Breaking a Broken Set...

Tonight was the last original broadcast of Abby Martin's excellent news analysis program on RT America, Breaking The SetYet another progressive voice is lost on our media, this one being one of the most uncompromising and passionate.   Unlike most other media figures, especially those on the shrinking leftward-lean of the political spectrum who come from broadcasting or journalism backgrounds, Abby's voice was that of an activist.    Her show was decidedly NOT "fair and balanced" - she never advertised it as such.   She had guests on the show such as Chris Hedges,  Mike Ruppert (RIP), and Peter Joseph - people who otherwise would go unheard on the MSM.  She went as far as criticizing the government who owns RT - Russia - for their actions in the Ukraine and Crimea.   Hers was one of the few shows that openly challenged the corporate-based media worldview - a badly needed breeze of fresh air in a valley full of corporate media smog filth.    

I will confess to being a bit disappointed that she disavowed herself from the belief that 9-11 was an "inside job".   To me, to take this stand means that you would have to debunk Mike Ruppert's exhaustively researched book Crossing The Rubicon (where he names Dick Cheney as the prime mover of the 9-11 affair), and the photographic and testimonial evidence provided in films such as Zeitgeist and Loose Change.    I won't "put her on the couch", and speculate as to a possible reason or motive.   I'll only say, at this point, that it's probably the only real point of disagreement I have with her.   

That being said, she's still has a full career ahead of her, whether it be in print or electronic media, or the arts.   I'd keep an eye on her to see what she's going to do next, because as she said, she's not going away.  You can catch her on her official website, her Twitter feed, and her Facebook page.

We can use a few more Abby Martins.  

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