Here’s a few bytes of tryptophan-poisoning-antidote, just in case you get too sleepy from gobbling up gobblers…
>>We’ve all seen the photos and videos of the UC Davis pepper spray incident. I confess that I have a certain attachment to this incident since I happen to live in the general area where it occurred. I have a couple of observations:
1. Did you see the Lieutenant (I won’t mention his name - he doesn’t deserve it) hold up the can of pepper spray over his head like he’s doing a touchdown-dance-celebration prior to spraying the protesters, who were sitting down and not posing any threat to him or anyone else? This was done as an extra-judicial punishment, and to “send a message” to everyone else that this is what you get for “disobeying a police officer.” Last I checked, it‘s not the purview of law enforcement to mete out punishment - that‘s a court‘s job.;
2. In comparison to what modern police departments have access to in terms of weapons and devices today, pepper spray will seem like perfume;
3. To that UC Davis police officer, and the chief in his command, I have this to say: you are not truly “police officers”, as you are protecting and serving no one save for your paymasters in the 1%. You certainly weren’t serving the students of UC Davis or the faculty. You are PIGS with badges. Go back to the trough from where you came.
>>With the video release of the UC Davis incident mentioned above, you bet there’s going to be a big push in this state for a law banning the “unauthorized” taping of police activity, like there is in Illinois. Watch for it - it’s coming;
>>I recall a story yesterday, regarding the cost of policing the #Occupy protests. The figure given in the headline (the story originated with the AP - which I’m regarding as approaching Fox in their kowtowing to their corporate overlords) is set at $13 million. We know where this is headed - cities are cash-strapped, and how dare these protesters cost these cities sooooooo much money. I guess this is the meme that the AP and the rest of the “journalistic” class will trot out when non-violent protest provides next-to-nothing in terms of bleeding-leading headlines - save for the violence being perpetrated by law enforcement. Besides - $13 million combined across all of the cities where these protests have taken place? These are drops in the bucket…
>>I’m now a subscriber to Collapsenet. Michael Ruppert’s site has a great World News Desk section, containing links to stories from around the world and around the web, detailing humanity’s folly experiment with monetarism and it’s inevitable endgame. His commentary on these stories alone, is worth the price of admission ($10/month).
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