More morsels that are either tasty or repulsive, depending on your persuasion:
>>I've read and seen Johnny Boner and his pea-cock strutting about how he and his merry band will dismantle the health care law. They might be able to dent it somewhat with the purse strings, but with a Dem-led Senate (thanks, teabaggers - couldn't have done it without you!) and a Dem in the White House - fuggetaboutit for at least the next two years. When more and more voters are affected by the benefits of the new law - closing of the Medicare prescription drug donut-hole, dependents on a subscriber's coverage until 26, no rescission - it's not going to happen.
>>The real reason for all of this attention given to the new health care law has little to do with the law itself, and much more to do with the person who signed the bill into law. This whole charade, in my opinion, is about CREDIT: much of what is in the health care law was originally proposed by Republicans, and the concept of the mandate for purchase was initiated in Massachusetts under Mitt Romney. The Repubs want health care reform to be THEIR issue, thus this push for "repeal and replace". Replace - with what? Probably the same basic scheme with fewer mandates. After all, if you lend credence to George Carlin's observations, who really owns and operates this joint anyway? It isn't we the people. It isn't the puppets we elect, either.
>>So the businesses who provide health care insurance don't like being told how to run their businesses? And horror of horrors, by those representing us PLEBS?
This is one of those areas where you can't serve two masters. Remember that Jewish rabbi who said you can't serve both God and Mammon? Health care coverage is a prime example - the profit motive, when taken to it's extreme in the cases of severe illnesses such as cancer which requires millions of dollars per patient to treat, is simply incompatible with providing primary care coverage to the millions who need it - especially for those whose jobs are being sent overseas at an ever-increasing rate. For this reason, many countries which allow private insurers to provide primary care coverage mandate that those insurers operate as non-profits.
So to the Anthems, UHCs, Humanas, and the rest of them, I only have two words: Tough Shit.
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